I discovered, by accident, a way to express things I wasn’t allowed to say, or even think, when I was 17 and mad at at my mother. When I finished that furious painting of teenage angst, I felt so happy, like I had found a lifeline.
Helping others to create by tapping into their feelings seemed my natural path. I developed an art instruction video series for children 30 years ago, now available online called “Art Start”. Creating an Art Visitation program for our local Children's Hospital with oncology patients helped encourage the kids and their families to express their feelings through painting or crafts and offered a welcome distraction from their circumstances. Facilitating workshops for Art and Creativity for Healing Inc. gave me the opportunity to work with Veterans, Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse, as well as those suffering through pain or grief. So I guess I have to say, “Thanks Mom”.
My personal work involves a lot of texture and experimenting with different materials and techniques. I have worked in ceramics, printmaking, encaustics, fiber and leather arts. I often include cursive or asemic writing in my work for that touch of the human hand.